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The Water Plot Hole In [Signs]: A Rebuttal

I posted on Tuesday about Signs and the beauty I saw in its message. I then, as I usually do, shared the post on relevant sub-Reddits, one of which being r/horror. Little did I know, there is a bit of a controversy about a certain ‘plothole’ in the film. The conversation in the comments went…

Do You Believe In [Signs]?: Movie Review And Explanation

I’d never watched Signs before this past weekend. The reasons are easy enough to enumerate. I am not a big horror fan, and upon the movie’s release, the people I knew only talked about how scary it was. I therefore imagined a lot of jump scares and stress, and I rarely find myself in the…

Ranking [Star Wars] Films

I love ranking things (as you can tell from a lot of my prior posts). But I have stumbled into a contentious debate with this particular list. However, I decided to lean into the topic and not pull any punches, not for the sake of argument, but because when the kitchen’s hot, make sure you…

The Veil Of Truth [Uncut Gems]

When writing about Uncut Gems one writes about its stress-inducing, anxiety triggering plotline, as I did after I first watched it. However, after almost a year, I think there was something more interesting about my first time watching Uncut Gems than the effects it had on my anxiety levels. I am here to admit, that…

Themed Recommendation List: 60’s California Drug Culture

As any good nerd, I find unmatched joy in making rich connections between the many media I may be consuming at any time. My usual routine is to be reading a fiction book, listening to a nonfiction book, watching a television show throughout the week, and spending time catching up on movies over the weekend.…

The Meme Maker [Crazy, Stupid, Love]

I just watched Crazy, Stupid, Love for the first time. It was pretty good. I laughed quite a bit even if those collective moments didn’t make an amazing movie. But what I noticed most was that this movie was a font of memes. Every scene seemed to produce a different gif for the internet to use to…

One Cut Was Enough [1917]

This post was written over a year ago after seeing 1917 in theaters. For some reason, I did not get around to posting it until now.           The first time I really heard about the concept of less cuts in film was with The Revenant. This might have been when the national conversation about it, outside…

Technology In Film: As Seen In [Patriot Games]

It’s not even worth pointing out how quickly technology has advanced. We see it and live it every day. But there are moments where this hyper-acceleration of technologies comes into sharp focus, and this often happens when technology of today is put in contrast with the technology of yesteryear.  We become nostalgic around a pay…

Ranking The Deaths In [Jurassic Park]

Jurassic Park is a subtle tribute to the inherent duality of life. How technology can both be good or bad, nature can be both beautiful and deadly, life is both good and evil.  So let’s RANK THE DEATHS BY DINO IN THE FILM FROM WORST TO BEST!  4. SHOOT HERRRR!! Just to establish a baseline, all…

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